Origin: Nicaragua Size: 6 1/2 x 50 Diadema Wrapper: Nicaraguan Rosado Binder: Nicaragua Filler: Nicaraguan Strength: Medium Reviewed by: matt
The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema was awarded the number 3 cigar of the year by Cigar Aficionado, and it is not hard to see why. A flawless Nicaraguan Rosado wrapper covers a blend of filler tobaccos from Estelí, Ometepe, and Condega. The wrapper is firm but springy with a thin layer of oil that makes the cigar shimmer in the light. Once cut, the cold draw gives notes that are nutty, smokey and slightly sweet on the lips while the aroma is of dried fruit and toasted marshmallow. A slightly restricted draw, only requiring a couple of gentle puffs to get it going, gives rich notes of cream, dried fruit, and mild pepper. The second third is smokey and nutty while developing a delicious sweetness with a distinct citrus on the retrohale. All the notes present in the second third continue into the final third while the spice amplifies. Overall, the Davidoff Nicaragua is a smooth and balanced cigar that has a light and airy smoke that creates a medium-short finish.
Who is this cigar recommended for:
· Medium bodied smokers who want a diverse range of flavors with distinct transitions.
· Those who love Nicaraguan cigars that are full of flavor that do not linger.